• Ahead of the Curve

    ORNL Brings Big Science to Address the Climate Challenge


    Ahead of the Curve

    Your weekly installment of new knowledge, sponsored by Valmet. Each week’s e-newsletter brings you one featured article, selected by TAPPI’s editors, on new research, business/technology trends, industry markets, or upcoming events – a range of topics geared toward industry professionals. You’ll also get a pulp and paper industry-specific article from the tech experts at Valmet. With more than 27,000 subscribers, Ahead of the Curve delivers engaging info that readers can use today to prepare for tomorrow.

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    View the archive of Ahead of the Curve Articles below from the latest article all the way to the first release in January of 2012. 



    Showing 31–40 of 384 results
    Global Trade after COVID: Out of the frying pan ... Into the fire?
    In its March, 2021 Trade and Development Report update, the United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) takes an in-depth look at a variety of lasting impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global economy.
    Georgia Tech Student Recognized for Forest-based Industry Research
    Undita Ringania is still a student, but she has already gained international recognition for her innovative work.
    Being a Maintenance Leader
    Mahatma Gandhi was once asked what he thought of Western civilization. He replied that he thought it would be a good idea. The same thought comes to mind when considering management skills in maintenance departments.
    Build from Strength
    This article originally ran in the Spring 2021 issue of Tissue360° and in the March/April issue of Paper360°. It is offered here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it.
    Best Ideas for an Earth Day ‘Pledge’
    Thursday, April 22, 2021 – is Earth Day, an annual observation of the modern environmental movement that has been celebrated every April 22 since its inception in 1970.
    New process turns paper manufacturing waste into valuable chemicals
    A group of researchers at the US Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory has discovered a way to convert a common byproduct of the paper manufacturing process into valuable chemical precursors for making nylon.
    3D printing cellulose materials for cars, cruise ships, and more
    Cellulose is an ideal raw material for electrical insulation components, but manufacturing these products requires a considerable measure of craftsmanship.
    World's first sculptural paper art museum opens in Berlin
    Over the years, we have explored many exciting new uses for paper and its components, lignin and cellulose, here in Ahead of the Curve. This week’s news brings us an opportunity to showcase a new museum that honors one of the oldest—and as philosophers may argue, highest—ways that paper can be used in human culture: as art.
    What is Our Industry’s Most Critical Workforce Need?
    This article is provided to Ahead of the Curve readers as a “sneak peek” at the forthcoming March/April 2021 issue of Paper360°, which includes a feature section on workforce issues. Check www.paper360.tappi.org.
    Graphene Oxide Membranes Could Reduce Paper Industry Energy Costs
    The Georgia Tech Renewable Bioproducts Institute reports that a new engineered membrane may be able to help improve filtering efficiency for pulping wastewater. Can that help mills save money on energy, too?