Recipient of the following for the 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Corrugated Packaging Division’s John O. Telesca Engineering Scholarship
  • Process Control Division Scholarships

Kate Ross is a junior majoring in chemical engineering with paper engineering, computer science, and process control minors at Miami University. She is an active member in Miami’s AICHE and TAPPI chapters, where she is currently the Social Outreach Chair and Secretary. For the past four semesters, Kate has participated in corrugated board research and was a Head Supplemental Math instructor at Miami. She also served as a Teacher’s Assistant for Thermodynamics. Recently, Kate interned at WestRock’s Mahrt Mill in the recovery and powerhouse department and participated in a second internship with WestRock this summer. She hopes to work in process control in the corrugated board industry in the future.

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