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Showing 1–10 of 232 results (Duration : 0.009 seconds)
Journal articles
TAPPI JOURNAL Summaries, Paper360° Spring Bonus Issue 2009

TAPPI JOURNAL Summaries, Paper360º Spring Bonus Issue 2009

Driving Forces for Change in the 1990's, 1991 International Mechanical Pulping Conference Proceedings

Driving Forces for Change in the 1990's, 1991 International Mechanical Pulping Conference Proceedings

Journal articles
Pulp and Paper Schools: Where are our Universities Headed? SOLUTIONS! December 2004 [04DECSO36.pdf]

Where are our universities headed?, Solutions!, 2004 December, Vol. 87(12) (158KB)

Magazine articles
Paper industry performance in the u.s. and canada, Solutions!, January 2004, Vol. 87(1) (131KB)

Paper industry performance in the u.s. and canada, Solutions!, January 2004, Vol. 87(1) (131KB)

Magazine articles
What You Need to Know About Starch in Papermaking, Solutions!, August 2005, Vol. 88(8) (160KB)

What You Need to Know About Starch in Papermaking, Solutions!, August 2005, Vol. 88(8) (160KB)

Magazine articles
Are you in the MRO Parts Business or Pulp and Paper?, Solutions!, January 2006, Vol. 89(1) (104 KB)

Are you in the MRO Parts Business or Pulp and Paper?, Solutions!, January 2006, Vol. 89(1) (104 KB)

Journal articles
TAPPI JOURNAL Summaries, Paper360° July/August 2010

TAPPI JOURNAL Summaries, Paper360º July/August 2010

Magazine articles
The modern paper machine, part 1: bigger, better board machines, Solutions!, November 2003, Vol. 86(11) (604KB)

The modern paper machine, part 1: bigger, better board machines, Solutions!, November 2003, Vol. 86(11) (604KB)

Journal articles
The Problem of Paper Curl, Frontline Focus, Volume 7, Issue 10

Frontline Focus, November/December 2011

Journal articles
The role of mill engineering in water conservation, Frontline Focus, Volume 7, Issue 2

Frontline Focus, February 2011