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Showing 1–10 of 116 results (Duration : 0.045 seconds)
A Novel Seal-Peel System, 2004 PLACE Conference

A Novel Seal-Peel System, 2004 PLACE Conference

Fundamentals of Nylon for Flexible Packaging, 2004 PLACE Conference

Fundamentals of Nylon for Flexible Packaging, 2004 PLACE Conference

Meat -- Packaging the Basics, 1998 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference Proceedings

Meat -- Packaging the Basics, 1998 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference Proceedings

Biofilms in food handling and processing, 2008 PLACE Conference

Biofilms in food handling and processing, 2008 PLACE Conference

Itâ??s not easy being (truly) green, PaperCon '09 Conference

It’s not easy being (truly) green, PaperCon '09 Conference

Conference papers
Additives for Polyolefin Film Products: An Overview of Chemistry and Effects, 2006 PLACE Conference

Additives for Polyolefin Film Products: An Overview of Chemistry and Effects, 2006 PLACE Conference

Conference papers
The Unique Performance of PVDV-A Proven Material Displays its Innovation Potential, 2006 PLACE Conference

The Unique Performance of PVDV-A Proven Material Displays its Innovation Potential, 2006 PLACE Conference

Conference papers
What is the Best Way to Process Clear Retort Pouches Through the Value Chain?, 2006 PLACE Conference

What is the Best Way to Process Clear Retort Pouches Through the Value Chain?, 2006 PLACE Conference

Trends and Oppotunities in the European Clear Barrier Market, 2006 PLACE Conference

Trends and Oppotunities in the European Clear Barrier Market, 2006 PLACE Conference

Conference papers
Enabling Active Packaging, 2006 PLACE Conference

Enabling Active Packaging, 2006 PLACE Conference