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Conference papers
The Impact of Changing ONP Quality on a Newsprint Mill, 2005

The Impact of Changing ONP Quality on a Newsprint Mill, 2005 Engineering, Pulping, & Environmental Conference

Conference papers
Numerical and Experimental Modeling of a Dry Forming Process

Numerical and Experimental Modeling of a Dry Forming Process, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Partial Autocausticizing of Kraft Smelt with Sodium Borates-

Partial Autocausticizing of Kraft Smelt with Sodium Borates- Part 1: Effects on Recovery Boiler Performance, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Widening the Operating Envelope of Recovery Boilers by Using

Widening the Operating Envelope of Recovery Boilers by Using High Dry Solids Firing, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Modeling of Kraft Two-Phase Digester Pulping Processes, 1999

Modeling of Kraft Two-Phase Digester Pulping Processes, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Mathematical Simulation of a Two-layer Stratified Jet Flow o

Mathematical Simulation of a Two-layer Stratified Jet Flow of Pulp Suspension, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Dynamic Simulation of Dewatering in High Vacuum Flat Boxes,

Dynamic Simulation of Dewatering in High Vacuum Flat Boxes, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Drainage Interactions Between the Headbox and Dewatering Ele

Drainage Interactions Between the Headbox and Dewatering Elements, Including Forming Fabric, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Treatment of Paper Mill Effluent by the Use of Ozone and Biological Systems: Large Scale Application at Lang Paper, Ettringen (Germany), 2000 Environmental Conference Proceedings

Treatment of Paper Mill Effluent by the Use of Ozone and Biological Systems: Large Scale Application at Lang Paper, Ettringen (Germany), 2000 Environmental Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Collaborative Maintenance Strategies Help Manufacturers Become Lean, Mean and Agile, 2003 Fall Technical Conference

Collaborative Maintenance Strategies Help Manufacturers Become Lean, Mean and Agile, 2003 Fall Technical Conference