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Magazine articles
Open Access
More than 420 attend polymers, laminations and coatings division annual conference, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1993, Vol. 76(1)

More than 420 attend polymers, laminations and coatings division annual conference, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1993, Vol. 76(1)

Magazine articles
Open Access
Papermakers conference draws more than 900 attendees, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 1993, Vol. 76(7)

Papermakers conference draws more than 900 attendees, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 1993, Vol. 76(7)

Magazine articles
Open Access
Evolution and development of headbox systems for specialty nonwoven formers, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1992, Vol. 75(2)

Evolution and development of headbox systems for specialty nonwoven formers, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1992, Vol. 75(2)

Magazine articles
Open Access
Behavioral observation: gathering data for continuous safety improvement, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1992, Vol. 75(2)

Behavioral observation: gathering data for continuous safety improvement, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1992, Vol. 75(2)

Magazine articles
Open Access
Capital cost analysis looks at recent and future trends, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1992, Vol. 75(11)

Capital cost analysis looks at recent and future trends, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1992, Vol. 75(11)

Magazine articles
Open Access
Chemically structured kaolin: a new coating pigment, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1990, Vol. 73(2)

Chemically structured kaolin: a new coating pigment, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1990, Vol. 73(2)

Magazine articles
Open Access
Steam cycle passivation and corrosion protection, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 1990, Vol. 73(3)

Steam cycle passivation and corrosion protection, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 1990, Vol. 73(3)

Magazine articles
Giving technical presentations to non-technical audiences part 1: five ways to beat stage fright, Solutions!, December 2003, Vol. 86(12) (49KB)

Giving technical presentations to non-technical audiences part 1: five ways to beat stage fright, Solutions!, December 2003, Vol. 86(12) (49KB)