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Conference papers
ABCs of Project Management, TAPPICon22

Conference papers
Energy Optimization, TAPPICon22

Conference papers
MPC for Simple Setup of Mid-Range and Other Advanced Controls, 19PaperCon

MPC for Simple Setup of Mid-Range and Other Advanced Controls, 19PaperCon

Conference papers
A New Era in Mill Analytics, 19PaperCon

A New Era in Mill Analytics, 19PaperCon

Conference papers
Novel Methods to Reduce Cost and Improve Sheet Properties Using Advanced Microwave Water Measurement Technology, 19PaperCon

Novel Methods to Reduce Cost and Improve Sheet Properties Using Advanced Microwave Water Measurement Technology, 19PaperCon

Conference papers
Moisture management and optimization from headbox to reel in papermaking process, 19PaperCon

Moisture management and optimization from headbox to reel in papermaking process, 19PaperCon