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Content Type
Level of Knowledge
Event Type
Materials, Corrosion Prevention, and Maintenance
Materials, Corrosion Prevention, and Maintenance
Use of a Magnetic Device to Eliminate Hard Calcium Scale Formation, 1997 Pulping Conference Proceedings
Use of a Magnetic Device to Eliminate Hard Calcium Scale Formation, 1997 Pulping Conference Proceedings
Journal articles
Computer-assisted ultrasonic detection and measurement of cracks in pressure vessels, TAPPI JOURNAL March 1988
Computer-assisted ultrasonic detection and measurement of cracks in pressure vessels, TAPPI JOURNAL March 1988
Magazine articles
A maintenance weight loss program, Solutions!, April 2004, Vol. 87(4) (116KB)
A maintenance weight loss program, Solutions!, April 2004, Vol. 87(4) (116KB)
Magazine articles
Achieving total quality through capacity assurance, Solutions!, March 2002, Vol. 85(3) (124KB)
Achieving total quality through capacity assurance, Solutions!, March 2002, Vol. 85(3) (124KB)
Journal articles
Review of above-ground tank standards for the pulp and paper industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)
Review of above-ground tank standards for the pulp and paper industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)
Magazine articles
Manufacturing reliability: the dofasco story, Solutions!, December 2002, Vol. 85(12) (528KB)
Manufacturing reliability: the dofasco story, Solutions!, December 2002, Vol. 85(12) (528KB)
UnPinch Mill Stream Restrictions : Systematic Solutons to Perennial Problems, 1997 Engineering Conference Proceedings
UnPinch Mill Stream Restrictions : Systematic Solutons to Perennial Problems, 1997 Engineering Conference Proceedings
Journal articles
The Hidden Factory, Paper360° November 2006
The Hidden Factory, Paper360º, November 2006