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Open Access
Effects of tissue additives on copy paper forming and properties, TAPPI Journal February 2024

ABSTRACT: Laboratory tests were conducted in an effort to determine the effects on paper machine process attributes and the properties of paper made from recycled copy paper furnish upon the addition of chemical agents that are commonly used in the production of hygiene tissue products. Due to continuing growth in tissue and towel grades of paper, such agents are experiencing greater usage. Charge titration test results revealed that certain dry strength agents associated with tissue manufacturing have the potential to shift the balance of charge in papermaking furnish to less negative or even positive values. Creping adhesive was found to contribute to fine particle retention, especially when present at relatively high levels. Release aid and a polyacrylate dispersant had the opposite effect. Low addition levels of both a creping adhesive and a debonding agent surprisingly increased a wide range of strength attributes of paper handsheets in comparison to sheets prepared from unaltered recycled copy paper furnish. The debonding agent decreased paper strength at higher levels of addition. Such effects appear to depend not only on the expected effects of agents themselves, but also on how they affect the charge balance of the wet-end system.

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Open Access
Effects of carboxymethyl starch as a papermaking additive, TAPPI Journal February 2024

ABSTRACT: Carboxymethyl starch (CMS) is a bio-based, anionic polymer that has potential as part of a dry-strength additive program for papermaking. Due to its negative charge, its effects can be expected to depend on its interactions with various cationic agents. In this work, the effects of CMS were observed following its sequential addition after one of three selected cationic strength agents at different dosage levels. In selected tests, the furnish was pretreated at the 1% level by a dispersant, sodium polyacrylate, which might represent a high level of anionic contaminants in a paper mill system. Laboratory tests were conducted to show the effects on dewatering, fine-particle retention, and flocculation. These tests were supplemented with measurements of charge demand, zeta potential, and handsheet properties. Sequential addition of cationic glyoxylated acrylamide copolymers (gPAM) and CMS were found to strongly promote dewatering. Two gPAM products and a poly(vinylamine) product in sequential addition with CMS were very effective for promoting fine-particle retention. These same sequential treatments of the stock contributed to moderate fiber flocculation, though severe flocculation was caused by further treatment of the furnish with colloidal silica. Handsheet strength results were mixed. In the default recycled copy paper furnish, the average breaking length for the sheets made with cationic additives followed by CMS was not greatly different from the blank condition. Superior strength resulted when the default furnish was treated with a dispersant alone. When the dispersant-contaminated furnish was treated with the same combinations of cationic additives and CMS, the strength returned to the baseline achieved in the absence of the dispersant. The results were discussed in terms of the charged character of the different additives and their interactions not only with the fiber surfaces but also with each other.

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Open Access
Utilization of kraft pulp mill residuals, TAPPI Journal February 2022

ABSTRACT: Kraft pulp mills produce on average about 100 kg of solid residuals per metric ton of pulp produced. The main types of mill waste are sludge from wastewater treatment plants, ash from hog fuel boilers, dregs, grits, and lime mud from causticizing plants and lime dust from lime kilns. Of these, about half is disposed of in landfills, which highlights the need and potential for waste recycling and utilization. Sludge is either incinerated in hog fuel boilers to generate steam and power or used in various forms of land application, including land spreading, composting, or as an additive for landfill or mine waste covers. The majority of hog fuel boiler ash and causticizing plant residues is landfilled. Alkaline residuals can be conditioned for use in land application, manufacture of construction materials, and production of aggregates for road work. This technical review summarizes residuals utilization methods that have been applied in pulp and paper mills at demonstration- or full-scale, and therefore may act as a guide for mill managers and operators whose goal is to diminish the costs and the environmental impact of waste management.

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Open Access
Control of malodorous gases emission from wet-end white water with hydrogen peroxide, TAPPI Journal October 2021

ABSTRACT: White water is highly recycled in the papermaking process so that its quality is easily deteriorated, thus producing lots of malodorous gases that are extremely harmful to human health and the environment. In this paper, the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the control of malodorous gases released from white water was investigated. The results showed that the released amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) decreased gradually with the increase of H2O2 dosage. Specifically, the TVOC emission reached the minimum as the H2O2 dosage was 1.5 mmol/L, and meanwhile, the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) were almost completely removed. It was also found that pH had little effect on the release of TVOC as H2O2 was added, but it evidently affect-ed the release of H2S and NH3. When the pH value of the white water was changed to 4.0 or 9.0, the emission of TVOC decreased slightly, while both H2S and NH3 were completely removed in both cases. The ferrous ions (Fe2+) and the copper ions (Cu2+) were found to promote the generation of hydroxyl radicals (HO•) out of H2O2, enhancing its inhibition on the release of malodorous gases from white water. The Fe2+/H2O2 system and Cu2+/H2O2 system exhibited similar efficiency in inhibiting the TVOC releasing, whereas the Cu2+/H2O2 system showed better perfor-mance in removing H2S and NH3.

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Open Access
Production of antimicrobial paper using nanosilver, nanocellulose, and chitosan from a coronavirus perspective, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: The pulp and paper industry has an opportunity to play a vital role in breaking the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic through production that supports widespread use of antimicrobial paper. This paper provides a brief review of paper and paper-related industries, such as those producing relevant additives, and R&D organizations that are actively engaged in developing antimicrobial papers. The focus here is on the potential of three nano-additives for use in production of antimicrobial papers that combat coronavirus: nanosilver, nanocellulose, and chitosan. Various recent developments in relevant areas and concepts underlining the fight against coronavirus are also covered, as are related terms and concepts.

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Open Access
Development of converging-diverging multi-jet nozzles for molten smelt shattering in kraft recovery boilers, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: The effective shattering of molten smelt is highly desired in recovery boiler systems. Ideally, shatter jet nozzle designs should: i) generate high shattering energy; ii) create a wide coverage; and iii) minimize steam consumption. This study proposes a novel converging-diverging multi-jet nozzle design to achieve these goals. A laboratory setup was established, and the nozzle performance was evaluated by generating jet pressure profiles from the measurement of a pitot tube array. The results show that the shatter jet strength is greater with a large throat diameter, high inlet pressure, and a short distance between the nozzle exit and impingement position. Increasing the number of orifices generates a wider jet coverage, and the distance between the orifices should be limited to avoid the formation of a low-pressure region between the orifices. The study also demonstrates that an optimized converging-diverging multi-jet nozzle significantly outperformed a conventional shatter jet nozzle by achieving higher energy and wider coverage while consuming less steam.

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Open Access
Effects of different ammonium lignosulfonate contents on the crystallization, rheological behaviors, and thermal and mechanical properties of ethylene propylene diene monomer/polypropylene/ammonium lignosulfonate composites, TAPPI Journal January 2020

ABSTRACT: Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), made from ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and polypropylene (PP) based on reactive blending, has an excellent processing performance and characteristics and a wide range of applications. However, there are currently no reports in the literature regarding the usage of TPE in making composite boards. In this paper, EPDM, PP, and ammonium lignosulfonate (AL) were used as the raw materials, polyethylene wax was used as the plasticizer, and a dicumyl peroxide vulcanization system with dynamic vulcanization was used to make a new kind of composite material. This research studied the influences of the AL contents on the crystallization behaviors, rheological properties, thermal properties, and mechanical properties of the composites. The results showed that the AL content had a noticeable impact on the performance of the composite board. Accordingly, this kind of composite material can be used as an elastomer material for the core layer of laminated flooring.

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Open Access
Kraft recovery boiler operation with splash plate and/or beer can nozzles — a case study, TAPPI Journal Octobr 2021

ABSTRACT: In this work, we study a boiler experiencing upper furnace plugging and availability issues. To improve the situation and increase boiler availability, the liquor spray system was tuned/modified by testing different combinations of splash plate and beer can nozzles. While beer cans are typically used in smaller furnaces, in this work, we considered a furnace with a large floor area for the study. The tested cases included: 1) all splash plate nozzles (original operation), 2) all beer can nozzles, and 3) splash plate nozzles on front and back wall and beer cans nozzles on side walls. We found that operating according to Case 3 resulted in improved overall boiler operation as compared to the original condition of using splash plates only. Additionally, we carried out computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of the three liquor spray cases to better understand the furnace behavior in detail for the tested cases. Model predictions show details of furnace combus-tion characteristics such as temperature, turbulence, gas flow pattern, carryover, and char bed behavior. Simulation using only the beer can nozzles resulted in a clear reduction of carryover. However, at the same time, the predicted lower furnace temperatures close to the char bed were in some locations very low, indicating unstable bed burning. Compared to the first two cases, the model predictions using a mixed setup of splash plate and beer can nozzles showed lower carryover, but without the excessive lowering of gas temperatures close to the char bed.

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Open Access
Pulp and paper mills: The original biorefineries — past performance and limitations to future opportunities, TAPPI Journal October 2023

ABSTRACT: Pulp mills have been biorefineries since the invention of the Tomlinson recovery boiler. Unfortunately, the paper industry has done a poor job explaining that concept to the general public. A number of bioproducts in everyday use have been produced by pulp mills for several decades, and new products are routinely being developed. Modern research efforts over the last couple of decades have focused on producing even more products from pulp and paper mills through capacity enhancement and the development of value-added products and liquid transportation fuels to enhance paper mill profitability. Some of these efforts, often referred to as modern biorefineries, have focused so heavily on product development that they have ignored operating and process realities that limit the transformation of pulp and paper mills from the current limited number of bioproducts produced today to economic scale production of these value-added products. In this paper, several of these limitations are addressed. In addition, there are several supply chain, marketing, product quality, and economic realities limiting the value potential for these wholesale conversions of pulp mills into multiproduct modern biorefineries. Finally, the conservative nature and capital intensity of the pulp and paper industries provide a difficult hurdle for conversion to the modern biorefinery concept. These issues are also reviewed.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Characterization of chia plant (Salvia hispanica) for pulping, TAPPI Journal October 2020

ABSTRACT: In this paper, chia plant was characterized in terms of chemical, morphological, and anatomical properties. Chia plant was characterized with low a-cellulose (30.5%); moderate lignin (23.2%) with syringyl to guaiacyl ratio of 1.41; and shorter fiber length (0.67 mm) with thinner cell wall (1.91 µm) and good flexibility coefficient (71.44). Anatomical features showed that chia plant consists of vessels, fibers, parenchyma cells, and collenchyma cells. Chia plant pulping was evaluated in soda-anthraquinone (soda-AQ) and formic acid/peroxyformic acid (FA/PFA) processes. Chia plant was difficult to delignify in the alkaline process. The FA/PFA process produced higher pulp yield at the same kappa number than the soda-AQ process. Unbleached soda-AQ chia pulp exhibited good properties in terms of tensile, bursting, and tearing strengths, even at the unrefined stage, due to high drainability of the pulps. Alkaline peroxide bleached FA/PFA pulp exhibited better papermaking properties and 2% higher brightness than the D0(EP)D1 bleached soda-AQ pulp.