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Level of Knowledge
Magazine articles
English as a first and second language - part 6: avoiding grammar traps, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1998, Vol. 81(9)
English as a first and second language - part 6: avoiding grammar traps, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1998, Vol. 81(9)
Magazine articles
Industry leaders: jukka harmala leads stora enso into new global age, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 2000, Vol. 83(5)
Industry leaders: jukka harmala leads stora enso into new global age, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 2000, Vol. 83(5)
Magazine articles
1998 tappi pulping conference, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 1999, Vo
1998 tappi pulping conference, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 1999, Vol. 82(3)
Journal articles
A six-year review of the TAPPI research funding program, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 2000, Vol. 83(4)
A six-year review of the TAPPI research funding program, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 2000, Vol. 83(4)
Magazine articles
A look back - 50 years of publishing tappi's magazine, TAPPI
A look back - 50 years of publishing tappi's magazine, TAPPI JOURNAL, June 1999, Vol. 82(6)
Magazine articles
The 11th fundamental research symposium investigates papermaking materials, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1998, Vol. 81(2)
The 11th fundamental research symposium investigates papermaking materials, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1998, Vol. 81(2)
Magazine articles
Energy: recovering capital and cutting costs, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2000, Vol. 83(11)
Energy: recovering capital and cutting costs, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2000, Vol. 83(11)
Magazine articles
A volunteer honored: David J. Bentley Jr., TAPPI JOURNAL, March 2000, Vol. 83(3)
A volunteer honored: David J. Bentley Jr., TAPPI JOURNAL, March 2000, Vol. 83(3)
Journal articles
Knowledge transfer from academia, TAPPI JOURNAL October 1988 88OCT47
Knowledge transfer from academia, TAPPI JOURNAL October 1988
Magazine articles
Taiwan holds first symposium on environmentally friendly and emerging technologies for a sustainable industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)
Taiwan holds first symposium on environmentally friendly and emerging technologies for a sustainable industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)