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Showing 41–50 of 76 results (Duration : 0.012 seconds)
Tissue 101: Properties and Processes Course

TAPPI's Tissue 101: Properties and Processes Course is structured to provide participants with a solid understanding of tissue properties and how they are impacted by manufacturing processes, helping them to effectively achieve production goals and objectives.

Kraft Recovery Operations Course

One of TAPPI's highest rated, longest running events! You'll learn ways to improve pulp production efficiency, minimize operating costs and reduce environmental impact. This course is designed for pulp mill operations personnel.

NAPIM Spring Convention

Fostering greater understanding and knowledge of the printing ink industry.

Are You Registered Yet for TAPPI's Kraft Recovery Course?

Nearly two dozen of your peers are already set to attend this event in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Make plans now to attend the January offering of TAPPI’s Introduction to P&P Technology Course.

January 9-12, 2023: The most comprehensive short course offered in the industry for pulp and paper technology training.

Sign up for the TAPPI Academy newsletter.

TAPPI Academy offers a free newsletter designed to keep you connected to events, news, perspectives and opportunities.

Introduction to Corrugated Course

In fast-paced corrugator operations, it is critical to be equipped with foundational understanding of the dynamic corrugating process. This course is designed to shorten the learning curve of people new to the business and provide a deeper understanding to those already in the game.

Basic Financial Training & Strategic Market Analysis for the Pulp & Paper and Related Industries

The Basic Financial Training & Strategic Market Analysis workshop is appropriate for technical and non-technical individuals in the pulp & paper, forest product, and related industries with a desire to evaluate processes, services, and research ideas. This workshop will help you to market your ideas, products, and services utilizing the financial language used by decision-makers in the industry (controllers, directors, mill managers, and vice-presidents).

Basic Financial Training & Strategic Market Analysis for the Pulp & Paper and Related Industries

The Basic Financial Training & Strategic Market Analysis workshop is appropriate for technical and non-technical individuals in the pulp & paper, forest product, and related industries with a desire to evaluate processes, services, and research ideas. This workshop will help you to market your ideas, products, and services utilizing the financial language used by decision-makers in the industry (controllers, directors, mill managers, and vice-presidents).

TAPPI Introduction to Printing Course

The TAPPI Introduction to Printing Course delivers a comprehensive, introductory overview of traditional offset and emerging digital technologies, equipment review, color perspective, troubleshooting and more. An optional tour of a printing plant is offered to reinforce the curriculum learned. This training event is co-located with PaperCon 2020 in Atlanta.