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Showing 41–50 of 104 results (Duration : 0.017 seconds)
Journal articles
Time for a Blood...uh, Oil Test, Frontline Focus, Volume 2, Issue 2

Frontline Focus, February 2006

Journal articles
Creating the Best Maintenance Agreement for Your Mill, Paper360° March/April 2013

Creating the Best Maintenance Agreement for Your Mill, Paper360º March/April 2013

IDCON Reliability and Maintenance Conference

This conference is THE How-To Conference for Maintenance and Operations professionals in the processing industries.

Journal articles
Open Access
On the use and care of supercalendar rolls, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1997, Vol. 80(2)

On the use and care of supercalendar rolls, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1997, Vol. 80(2)

Journal articles
Open Access
Why to worry about y2k, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1998, Vol. 81(8)

Why to worry about y2k, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1998, Vol. 81(8)

Magazine articles
Manufacturing reliability: the dofasco story, Solutions!, December 2002, Vol. 85(12) (528KB)

Manufacturing reliability: the dofasco story, Solutions!, December 2002, Vol. 85(12) (528KB)

Magazine articles
A maintenance weight loss program, Solutions!, April 2004, Vol. 87(4) (116KB)

A maintenance weight loss program, Solutions!, April 2004, Vol. 87(4) (116KB)

Magazine articles
RELIABILITY & MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT: Developing and Retaining Future Craft Skills, Solutions!, July 2005, Vol. 88(7) (44KB)

RELIABILITY & MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT: Developing and Retaining Future Craft Skills, Solutions!, July 2005, Vol. 88(7) (44KB)

Magazine articles
Domtar Ashdown: The Virtues of Kaizen, Solutions!, July 2005, Vol. 88(7) (500KB)

Domtar Ashdown: The Virtues of Kaizen, Solutions!, July 2005, Vol. 88(7) (500KB)

Journal articles
Using PM and PdM Techniques, Paper360º May 2008

Using PM and PdM Techniques, Paper360º May 2008