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Journal articles
Magazine articles
Editoral: Investing in the future: Writing and peer-reviewing for TAPPI Journal, TAPPI Journal July 2024
ABSTRACT: Those who actively participate in TAPPI realize how much there is to gain from the networking, educational resources, career development, and other opportunities that come with this involvement. One important opportunity is the ability to share your work and expertise with others in your field, and an excellent way to do this is by taking part in the TAPPI Journal peer-review process, either as an author or a reviewer or both.
Conference papers
Nanoparticles for Paper: Getting Closer to the Application, 2006 International Conference on Nanotechnology
Nanoparticles for Paper: Getting Closer to the Application, 2006 International Conference on Nanotechnology
TAPPISAFE® Kicks Off Tenth Anniversary During National Safety Month
As the first industry-recognized and designed safety orientation and verification program, TAPPISAFE has implemented over one million standardized safety tests since 2012
Magazine articles
Steam savings from nanochemistry, Solutions!, November 2004, Vol. 87(11) (130KB)
Steam savings from nanochemistry, Solutions!, November 2004, Vol. 87(11) (130KB)
Cellulose nano/ microfibrils in packaging board - Results from EU SUNPAP project, 2013 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials
Cellulose nano/ microfibrils in packaging board - Results from EU SUNPAP project, 2013 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials
Functional Thin Coatings for Paper by Foam Coating, 2013 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials
Functional Thin Coatings for Paper by Foam Coating, 2013 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials
Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications (3rd Edition)
Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications (3rd Edition)
Journal articles
Magazine articles
The winding mechanics of laminate webs, TAPPI Journal February 2020
ABSTRACT: Models that describe the residual stresses due to winding single-layer webs at the end of roll-to-roll manufacturing machines are mature. These models have been used to reduce or avoid defects that are due to winding. Many laminated products exist where two or more webs have been joined to form a thicker composite web. The properties of the web layers provide a unique functionality to the product being manufactured. No laminate winding models exist in the literature. This paper will focus on the development of a laminate winding model and laboratory test verification of the model.
Conference papers
Printed electrodes on tailored paper enable electrochemical functionalization of paper, 2010 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for the Forest Product Industry
Printed electrodes on tailored paper enable electrochemical functionalization of paper, 2010 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for the Forest Product Industry