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Magazine articles
Industry leaders: jukka harmala leads stora enso into new global age, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 2000, Vol. 83(5)
Industry leaders: jukka harmala leads stora enso into new global age, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 2000, Vol. 83(5)
Magazine articles
1998 tappi pulping conference, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 1999, Vo
1998 tappi pulping conference, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 1999, Vol. 82(3)
Magazine articles
Taiwan holds first symposium on environmentally friendly and emerging technologies for a sustainable industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)
Taiwan holds first symposium on environmentally friendly and emerging technologies for a sustainable industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)
Magazine articles
English as a first and second language - part 6: avoiding grammar traps, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1998, Vol. 81(9)
English as a first and second language - part 6: avoiding grammar traps, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1998, Vol. 81(9)
Magazine articles
Cedar river paper co. celebrates success of no. 2 linerboard machine, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1996, Vol. 79(11)
Cedar river paper co. celebrates success of no. 2 linerboard machine, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1996, Vol. 79(11)
Magazine articles
Career management: choosing the game, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1993, Vol. 76(8)
Career management: choosing the game, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1993, Vol. 76(8)
Magazine articles
A guide to developing a best management practices (bmp) plan for spent liquor, part II, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1999, Vol. 82(12)
A guide to developing a best management practices (bmp) plan for spent liquor, part II, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1999, Vol. 82(12)
Magazine articles
What does it take to get my paper published?, TAPPI JOURNAL,
What does it take to get my paper published?, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 2002, Vol. 1(1) (62KB)
Magazine articles
Technology spotlight - the tradeoffs: finishers and converters encounter speed, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1998, Vol.81(10)
Technology spotlight - the tradeoffs: finishers and converters encounter speed, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1998, Vol.81(10)
Magazine articles
English as a first and second language - part 7: a strategy for spelling, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1998, Vol.81(10)
English as a first and second language - part 7: a strategy for spelling, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1998, Vol.81(10)