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Showing 21–30 of 85 results (Duration : 0.011 seconds)
Journal articles
Subscription Access
Industry characteristics and investment decisions: an alternative approach to pulp and paper production, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Industry characteristics and investment decisions: an alternative approach to pulp and paper production, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Investing in the future of your mill, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Investing in the future of your mill, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Journal articles
Open Access

Objective, reproducible measurement of printing mottle with a mottle tester, TAPPI JOURNAL May 1989

Journal articles
Open Access

Computer gateways for distributed control systems, TAPPI JOURNAL August 1989

Journal articles
Open Access
Chlorine-free bleaching: ozone and enzymes to the rescue?, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1991, Vol. 74(11)

Chlorine-free bleaching: ozone and enzymes to the rescue?, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1991, Vol. 74(11)

Journal articles
Open Access
Development of Microbiological Guidelines for Food-Grade Paperboard: A Historical Perspective

Development of Microbiological Guidelines for Food-Grade Paperboard: A Historical Perspective

Journal articles
Open Access
Knowledge transfer from academia, TAPPI JOURNAL October 1988 88OCT47

Knowledge transfer from academia, TAPPI JOURNAL October 1988

Journal articles
Subscription Access
Kaukas mills benefit from renovations, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Kaukas mills benefit from renovations, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
2020 vision - focusing on the future, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1997, Vol. 80(2)

2020 vision - focusing on the future, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1997, Vol. 80(2)

Journal articles
Open Access
The association angle: CPPA on Canada, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1997, Vol. 80(1)

The association angle: cppa on canada, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1997, Vol. 80(1)