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Showing 241–250 of 328 results (Duration : 0.011 seconds)
Journal articles
Company Profile: SAPPI's European Cornerstone [03JULSO28.pdf]

Sappi's european cornerstone, Solutions!, July 2003, Vol. 86(7) (247KB)

Journal articles
Open Access
George Mead Focuses on Consolidated Papers' Future, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1998, Vol.81(10)

George mead focuses on consolidated papers' future, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1998, Vol.81(10)

Journal articles
Open Access
Alliances forged at the 1997 Biological Sciences Symposium, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Forest biologists forge alliances with industry at the 1997 biological sciences symposium, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Journal articles
Open Access
Technology and economics of the industry worldwide, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Technology and economics of the industry worldwide, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Journal articles
Open Access
Third year of record sales expected for U.S. paper and related industries in 1996, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1996, Vol. 79(1)

Third year of record sales expected for u.s. paper and related industries in 1996, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1996, Vol. 79(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Tough times: publication papers put a squeeze on the magazine industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Tough times: publication papers put a squeeze on the magazine industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Journal articles
Open Access
Editorial: Gaurav Pranami: Nonwovens and coatings R&D expert, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2014

Editorial: Gaurav Pranami: Nonwovens and coatings R&D expert, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2014

Journal articles
Open Access
Should your mill opt for a single source supplier, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1997, Vol. 80(2)

Should your mill opt for a single source supplier, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1997, Vol. 80(2)

Journal articles
Open Access
Organizational arrangements of U.S. wood-based companies involved in direct foreign investment, TAPPI JOURNAL May 1989

Organizational arrangements of U.S. wood-based companies involved in direct foreign investment, TAPPI JOURNAL May 1989

Journal articles
The TOP TEN Global Paper Companies: The World's Top Paper Companies Face tough Year, June 2003 SOLUTIONS! [03JUNSO42.pdf]

The top ten global paper companies, Solutions!, June 2003, Vol. 86(6) (447KB)