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Conference papers
Clear Barrier at Atmospheric Pressure, 2006 PLACE Conference
Clear Barrier at Atmospheric Pressure, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
The Effects of Anti-Blocking Agents on the Performance of Polymer, 2006 PLACE Conference
The Effects of Anti-Blocking Agents on the Performance of Polymer, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
Troubleshooting Extursion Problems in Coextrusion Film Applications, 2006 PLACE Conference
Troubleshooting Extursion Problems in Coextrusion Film Applications, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
Troubleshooting the Film Extrusion Process-The Principles Involved-One View, 2006 PLACE Conference
Troubleshooting the Film Extrusion Process-The Principles Involved-One View, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
What is the Best Way to Process Clear Retort Pouches Through the Value Chain?, 2006 PLACE Conference
What is the Best Way to Process Clear Retort Pouches Through the Value Chain?, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
Twin Screw Extrusion Systems to Compound/Devolatilize and Extrude Film/Sheet in a One-Step Operation, 2006 PLACE Conference
Twin Screw Extrusion Systems to Compound/Devolatilize and Extrude Film/Sheet in a One-Step Operation, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
Dryer Technology for Flexible Packaging Laminations, 2006 PLACE Conference
Dryer Technology for Flexible Packaging Laminations, 2006 PLACE Conference
Trends and Oppotunities in the European Clear Barrier Market, 2006 PLACE Conference
Trends and Oppotunities in the European Clear Barrier Market, 2006 PLACE Conference
Conference papers
Enabling Active Packaging, 2006 PLACE Conference
Enabling Active Packaging, 2006 PLACE Conference
Biofilms in food handling and processing, 2008 PLACE Conference
Biofilms in food handling and processing, 2008 PLACE Conference