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Content Type
Level of Knowledge
Journal articles
Shop talk: Implementing an effective boilout program, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1998, Vol. 81(9)
Shop talk: implementing an effective boilout program, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1998, Vol. 81(9)
Magazine articles
Operations teams run a woodyard, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1996, Vol. 79(12)
Operations teams run a woodyard, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1996, Vol. 79(12)
Journal articles
Why not stock one?, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)
Why not stock one?, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)
Journal articles
How important is dryer warmup?, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1996, Vol. 79(12)
How important is dryer warmup?, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1996, Vol. 79(12)
Journal articles
Unwind stand maintenance: The key to finishing success, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1997, Vol. 80(9)
Unwind stand maintenance: the key to finishing success, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1997, Vol. 80(9)
Journal articles
A projection of maintenance trends in the paper industry, TAPPI JOURNAL May 1989
A projection of maintenance trends in the paper industry, TAPPI JOURNAL May 1989
Journal articles
Steps to increase profits through operations improvementâ??Part 1, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 2001, Vol. 84(8)
Steps to increase profits through operations improvement—Part 1, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 2001, Vol. 84(8)
Journal articles
Australia's Paper and Forestry Forum: A Preview of Significant Issues for 1998-2008, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)
Australia's Paper and Forestry Forum: A Preview of Significant Issues for 1998-2008, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)
Journal articles
Advanced disturbed control of industrial stem turbines, June 1988, TAPPI Journal 88JUN72
Advanced distributed control of industrial steam turbines, TAPPI JOURNAL June 1988
Journal articles
What can be patented?, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 2001, Vol. 84(8)
What can be patented?, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 2001, Vol. 84(8)