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Showing 11–20 of 56 results (Duration : 0.039 seconds)
Market reports
US Lift Truck Market

US Lift Truck Market

The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management

The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management

Journal articles
Open Access
Single-Site Catalyst Produced Polyolefin Plastomers for Extrusion Coating and Laminating, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)

Single-Site Catalyst Produced Polyolefin Plastomers for Extrusion Coating and Laminating, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)

Familiar Names, a New location and a New Attitude

Familiar Names, a New location and a New Attitude April 19-20, 2017 (right before PaperCon2017) Kristi Ledbetter, TAPPI’s Converting Division Manager, and I had the privilege to revisit a company

High Purity Pulps: Testing, Accessibility and Reactivity

High Purity Pulps: Testing, Accessibility and Reactivity

Market reports
Ten-year Forecasts of Disruptive Technologies in Paper and Board to 2020

Ten-year Forecasts of Disruptive Technologies in Paper and Board to 2020

Quality Improvement Team Handbook

Quality Improvement Team Handbook

Packaging 2020: Innventia Global Outlook, PaperCon 2013

Packaging 2020: Innventia Global Outlook, PaperCon 2013

Safety is Easy as PI

Safety is Easy as PI

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