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Magazine articles
Chinaâ??s consumption draws ravenous interest, Solutions!, November 2003, Vol. 86(11) (349KB)
China’s consumption draws ravenous interest, Solutions!, November 2003, Vol. 86(11) (349KB)
Magazine articles
Finland: Strike Action Could Have Long-Term Implications, Solutions!, June 2005, Vol. 88(6) (152KB)
Finland: Strike Action Could Have Long-Term Implications, Solutions!, June 2005, Vol. 88(6) (152KB)
Journal articles
Heating of viscous slurries with direct steam injection, Sol
Heating of viscous slurries with direct steam injection, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, November 2003
Journal articles
The top five reasons software projects fail (and how Extreme
The top five reasons software projects fail (and how Extreme Programming mitigates them), Solutions!, Online Exclusives, August 2004
Magazine articles
Thrive! and thatâ??s no jive., Solutions!, August 2004, Vol. 87(8) (51KB)
Thrive! and that’s no jive., Solutions!, August 2004, Vol. 87(8) (51KB)
Magazine articles
New Name, New Vision for Mondiâ??s Office Papers, Solutions!, April 2005, Vol. 88(4) (251KB)
New Name, New Vision for Mondi’s Office Papers, Solutions!, April 2005, Vol. 88(4) (251KB)
Magazine articles
Forest products biorefinery: technology for a new future, Solutions!, September 2004, Vol. 87(9) (285KB)
Forest products biorefinery: technology for a new future, Solutions!, September 2004, Vol. 87(9) (285KB)
Journal articles
COMPANY PROFILE: Stora Enso: coming to America, October 2001 SOLUTIONS! [01OCTSO41.pdf]
Stora enso: coming to america, Solutions!, October 2001, Vol. 84(10)
Journal articles
UPM-Kymmene keeps things moving with on-line moisture measur
UPM-Kymmene keeps things moving with on-line moisture measurement, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, February 2003
Journal articles
Spotlight: the Dark ages of pulp and paper education, SOLUTIONS! [03JUNSO08.pdf]
The dark ages of pulp and paper education, Solutions!, June 2003, Vol. 86(6) (76KB)