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Showing 121–130 of 216 results (Duration : 0.012 seconds)
Journal articles
LAST WORD: The view from 1952, SOLUTIONS! [02JULSO72.pdf]

The view from 1952, Solutions!, July 2002, Vol. 85(7) (55KB)

Journal articles
The Language of Business: Tips for making writing easier , Part 7: Simplifying a Convoluted Draft, SOLUTIONS! [03JULSO56.pdf]

Tips for making writing easier Part 7: Simplifying a Convoluted Draft , Solutions!, July 2003, Vol. 86(7) (87KB)

Journal articles
Combined halogens: new products to combat an old problem, So

Combined halogens: new products to combat an old problem, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, March 2003

Journal articles
OPC communications cost effectively links paper machine's dy

OPC communications cost effectively links paper machine's dye skid and color control, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, September 2002

Journal articles
The Top Ten Global Paper Companies: Currencies lift European

The Top Ten Global Paper Companies: Currencies lift Europeans up the Top 10, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, June 2004

Journal articles
Inside the Numbers: Russia Opportunities and Barriers in Forest Products, SOLUTIONS![04JUNSO68.pdf]

Russia: opportunities and barriers in forest products, Solutions!, June 2004, Vol. 87(6) (77KB)

Journal articles
Hollow sphere plastic pigment improves high shear rheology o

Hollow sphere plastic pigment improves high shear rheology of higher solids coating formulations, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, May 2004

Journal articles
Safety incidents and reactive maintenance: A clear connection, Solutions!, March 2004, Vol. 87(3)

Safety incidents and reactive maintenance: A clear connection, Solutions!, March 2004, Vol. 87(3) (102KB)

Journal articles
VIEWPOINT: In the blink of an eye, SOLUTIONS! [01NOVSO06.pdf]

In the blink of an eye, Solutions!, November 2001, Vol. 84(11)

Journal articles

Willis potts: doing all the good he can, Solutions!, October 2001, Vol. 84(10)