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Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Quantification of hardwood black liquor contamination in pine black liquor, TAPPI Journal February 2024

ABSTRACT: The presence of hardwood black liquor contamination in pine black liquor can negatively impact brownstock washer and evaporator operation, as well as reduce soap separation and yield. It is also believed to negatively impact commercial kraft lignin production. It was desired to develop a method of quantitatively determining the amount of low-level hardwood liquor contamination in pine black liquor. A method employing pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (py-GCMS) was developed to perform the desired measurement. Laboratory cooks with carefully controlled blends of pine and hardwood chips were prepared, and the resulting liquor was measured using this technique. Additionally, samples of pine and hardwood black liquors were blended in known quantities and analyzed. All these samples were submitted as blind samples. The resulting analysis suggests the py-GCMS method was able to accurately determine the level of hardwood contamination between 1% to 10% hardwood liquor using a low-level calibration curve prepared with coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol as standards.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
TAPPI Journal Summaries, Paper360º March/April 2024

Journal articles
Magazine articles
TAPPI Journal, Paper360º January/February 2023